The Snake Pitt

Enchi x Pastel Clutch #1 encM001 x pasF001

My female pastel laid 5 eggs on 11/9/10.  She was bred to a Enchi male.  Check back later to see how things are going as her eggs incubate.  OH !! Once again ignore that date, RYLEE was here LOL.
Babies hatched on 1/2/11.  1 eggs went bad in the 1st week and a second shortly after that.  We slammed the odds, getting a male Enchi pastel, male pastel and a Enchi female (NFS)
(all offspring from this clutch are now sold !!)

Granite Cinpin x Normal Clutch #2 gcpM001 x Fn004

Big Bertha laid 11 eggs on 4/14/11.  She had 7 good and 4 slugs.  She was bred to my genetic granite cinnimon pinstripe. Eggs are cooking in the incubator, check back in to see what else we got cooking.

Egg hatched on 6/12/11  Very ood looking female.  rest of the clutch went bad.

Female pending. 8/8

Genetic Stripe x Genetic Stripe Clutch #3 GsM001 x GsF 001

Female G. stripe laid 8 good eggs bred to my male G. Stripe on 4/23/11.  Eggs are now cook'n

Eggs hatched 6/18/11.  2.5 one egg went bad.

7/27/11  ALL females are sold !!

Granite Yellow Belly x Yellow Belly Clutch #4 GYBm001 x YBf 001

Female YB laid 6 huge eggs on 5/5/11.  She was bred to a granite YB, hope to prove him genetic.  Eggs are in the incubator.

eggs hatched on 7/3/11.  1.1 Granite Yellow bellies.  2 eggs went bad first week.  One 30 days in and 1 dead in the egg.  the granite gene proved out in the male !!

Female Granite Yellow belly NFS

Albino x Het Albino Clutch #5 ALBm001 x hALBf 002

Female dropped 5 big eggs on 5/16/11.  Here's to albino babies. 

all eggs went bad :(

Mojave x Normal Clutch #6 Mojo 001 x Fn 015

Female laid 3 big good eggs and 4 slugs.  Not sure if the male was a little young or what.  Have them cooking now.  Again sorry for the lack of pics, as the camera was in DC still.

Eggs hatched 7/19.  1 dead in egg, 1 died after leaving egg and 1 unsexed normal.

Granite Cinpin x Pewter Clutch #7 Gcinpin001 x Pewf001

Very big clutch for us here.  All kinds of potential with this one.  Silverbullets, supercinnis, lemon blast, silverbullet blast all with the chance of the granite gene as well.  We got 6 big healthy eggs and there in the incubator now.  Laid on 6/3/11

Snakes are out on 8/3.  Had 2 dead eggs.  Then we got 1.1 insane granite cinnimons, .1 stunning granite lemon blast, and ..1 silverbullet.  The bullet was unfortuately severly kinked and had to be euthenized.

Black Pastel x Normal Clutch #8 Blkpas 001 x Fno19

7 very large eggs laid on 6/5/11 from my normal female bred to my very nice black pastel male.  Eggs are cookin.

7 big healthy babies hatched on 8/3.  We got 2.3 normals and .2 black pastels.

G. Stripe x Het G. Stripe Clutch #9 GsM 001 x Fhgs 003

A little surprise clutch for us.  I introduced the male early in the season to try and get this girl jumpstarted on her feeding as she was close to my cut off weight.  Well she never took off on feed and I stopped putting the male in with her, but she still laid.  She had 3 good eggs and a squaished kickout.  Cookin now.

Snakes are out !!  The squashed egg was gone by the third day.  Another was a dude as well.  The 2 that hatched gave us an incredible full , wide, bold stripe female and a 100% het female too.

Granite Cinpin x Spider Clutch #10 GcpM 001 x Spi 001

One of our most anticipated clutches this season.  Looking for a cinspin (cinnimon x spider x pinstripe)  She gave us 5 healthy eggs on 6/23/11.  Eggs are cookin now.

Fire x normal Clutch #11 Fm 001 x Fn 003

Repeat breeding from last season that produced 2 very wild looking babies , unfortunately they died a few days after leaving the egg.  She gave us 4 large eggs on 6/23/11.  In the incubator now

Granite Cinpin x Pastel Clutch #12 GcpM 001 x Fpas 005

Female pastel laid 4 big eggs early 7/3/11.  Here to some granite pewter pins.  Eggs cook'n now..

Black Pastel x Normal Clutch #13 BlkpasM 001 x Fn018

Female laid 6 nice sized eggs on 7/8/11.  She has a very clean pattern with little to no "alien heads"  Eggs are cooking now.

Granite Yellow belly x Normal Clutch #14 GybM 001 x Fn011

Normal female laid 5 big eggs on 7/11/11.  She was bred to out Granite Yellow belly male, who proven out in a earlier clutch to be "GENETIC" granite.  Here's to MORE granite yellow bellies !!!!  Eggs are cooking now.

Mojo/blk pastel/granite cinpin x Normal Clutch #15 multi sire x Fn017

3,000 gms female laid huge clutch o n 7/22/11 of 11 eggs to a multi sired clutch.  They are cookin now.